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Underground Storage Tank Remediation

When a developer encountered underground storage tanks while preparing a property for a mixed commercial and residential project, Hatchett & Hauck was able to recover the remediation costs from the owner of the service station formerly at the site.

This is an example of a matter we handled for a client. Per our terms, it is not a prediction of an outcome in any other case.

Off-site Contamination Recovery

Hatchett & Hauck has recovered collectively millions of dollars in damages for property owners impacted by off-site contamination from adjacent cleanup sites.

This is an example of a matter we handled for a client. Per our terms, it is not a prediction of an outcome in any other case.

Adjacent Property Owner Complaint

When a gasoline station operator was faced with multiple claims by an adjacent property owner for environmental contamination, Hatchett & Hauck LLP obtained a dismissal on behalf of the operator early in the case on procedural grounds, avoiding the potential for long and protracted litigation on the substance of the claims. 

This is an example of a matter we handled for a client. Per our terms, it is not a prediction of an outcome in any other case.

Animal feeding

Hatchett & Hauck LLP successfully defended a concentrated animal feeding operation against challenges filed by nearby landowners claiming the facility’s permit was flawed.

This is an example of a matter we handled for a client. Per our terms, it is not a prediction of an outcome in any other case.

Chemical leak

A large metal manufacturer suffered an unfortunate and unavoidable chemical leak.  When U.S. EPA brought enforcement seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars, we worked closely with an air dispersion expert to establish that the air release did not actually leave the site, thus dramatically lowering the civil penalty.

This is an example of a matter we handled for a client. Per our terms, it is not a prediction of an outcome in any other case.